First Tinky, now SpongeBob
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Here we go again! First, they outted Tinky Winky. Now, poor SpongeBob and his crew are catching flack!?!? F' That! I just wonder if these people with the American "Family" Association ever take a step back and laugh at themselves. Eh...probably not.
How much of a coward do you have to be to out a cartoon??? Really! Snaggletooth is probably spinning in his grave so fast that he could power half of the east coast. This group can't pick on a real person, because then they could be sued if the rumor is unfounded. Who's going to sue on behalf of the 'toons? The ACLU or Lambda Legal need to offer a helping hand to poor Bob and his buddies. I wonder if there is enough of them for a class-action suit...
Seriously though, who will stand up for our little animated friends? Imagine if your mom tried to take away your G.I. Joe because she heard a rumor that he was tossin' He-Man's salad (actually, in my case it was Man-At-Arms on He-Man/Adam). Or if my sister caught her Barbie munchin' on Evil-Lyn's box???
Anyways, is this what we are coming to? Is this what we are to expect for the next 4 years? I think so...and it makes me sad.
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