I've been bitching about my job for the past week or so (or maybe longer..but who's counting). So, needless to say that I was shocked when I returned to work today to a pile of recognition.
You see, our HR department has this "Star Recognition" program where we can nominate each other for going "above and beyond the call of duty." I figured I would get nominated due to my work leading this major project last month. However, I didn't expect to take the "grand prize."
Once the individuals are nominated, the Senior VP of HR and the 2 VPs or HR vote on who they feel should win this "top billing" for the quarter.
Of all times for me to win something, it's now.
I got the award, little emmy-like statue, my name on the HR Department plaque, and a $250.00 gift card. Woo hoo.
I'm still irritated with work and almost told them to stick the little statue. Oh well...maybe I'm just bitter.
Hey, it sure beats going totally unrecognized, no? At least there's a chance they see your value.
Keep on, keepin' on, Mr. Awardiewardie.
take the $250 to print up more resumes ;)
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