American Idiot
Tonight in one of the discussions for class, someone made an anti-Bush comment. Not that that is uncommon... What's even less uncommon is the response from a classmate: "maybe you are anti-America too."
I almost made a comment, but I'm trying to keep out of conversations that I can't add anything to.
Although, I do have to say I COMPLETELY disagree with the retort that is used that says if someone hates the presidential administration then they hate the USA. I really don't see a correlation there; It is perfectly normal to question or even dislike "the boss."
What I find amusing is when a Democrat (Clinton) was in office it was commonplace to hate him. I never heard anyone being called "un-American" or "anti-America" for it.
Narrow-minded, hypocritical Rebuplican bastards... ;-)
Just my two-cents.
That's because there's nothing more American than getting a forbidden blowjob.
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