Titty Twister
Ok, so I've been absent from the blogosphere for a few days. I've really not had all that much to say. I get up, I go to work, I come home, I eat, I poop, I watch TV, and then I go to bed only to start it over again the next day. Sounds like a life, huh?
Actually, I've been pretty busy doing some household stuff and watching some movies. You gotta love when the season finale's have all aired and there's no longer anything good on. Well, that's not entirely true. Everwood hasn't finished up for the season (and for good) yet...That's next week.
Let's see..What else could be new? Well, I found a cool blog by the Grey's Anatomy writers. For those of you [read: Karen] who aren't caught up yet, you might not want to click here. I repeat, don't click here. Got it? good. Hehehehe.. I know Karen can't resist these types of things..so again...don't click here.
::giggling hysterically::
Oh, in funnier news... We've taken to giving names to those regulars that ride our bus. They are named after their physical attributes. We've got: The Penguin (yes, she looks like Danny DeVito in make-up), The Duck (most unfortunate), The Trigger-Fish (poor guy has a hook nose and fish lips...), and then my personal favorite...Stinky Bleached-out-Rug Guy (he wears so much cologne that my tall lowfat vanilla latte tastes like Cool Water an hour after the bus ride...and I swear his toupee is going to lift a leg and start licking itself one of these days..).
Anywho, it makes the ride a lot more amusing on mornings like today, when my iPod ran out of steam. I charged it, though, so tomorrow should be better.
You're an evil, Evil twin!
You're ipod down, K's ipod is down, crimaney!
and quite a life? Babe, we all have that life =\
First of all, Spoily McQ, that truly was truly evil. E-V-I-L evil! And I hereby vow to relieve you of BOTH OF YOUR NIPPLES IN A MOST UNPLEASANT FASHION UPON OR NEXT HAPPENSTANCE!
Secondly, what bus?
The short bus... Duh... the bus I ride to work.
I thought you drove to work?? Wasn't there a whole to-do about parking and walking from said lot and whatnot? Did I miss a memo?
*cough* nipple *cough*
I stopped doing that when I moved. Now I drive 2 minutes over to the park n ride, and hop a bus for about 10 minutes..then I'm at work. MUUUUCCCCCH Faster...and cheaper
meanwhile, did she click it?
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